Alegra Loewenstein, Author of Emotional Eating Detox | Donation Request Form

Alegra Loewenstein, Author of Emotional Eating Detox

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Alegra Loewenstein is a best-selling author, speaker, and coach on the topics of weight loss, emotional eating, and how an earth based spirituality can foster health and happiness. 

Through her coaching, e-courses, and books, she helps people to lose weight in a safe and sustained way without dieting or deprivation, by following the Wheel of the Year. Her recent Food Journal Magic is designed to do exactly this.

She is also the author of two best-selling guided journals, including Emotional Eating Detox and Body Wisdom Journal

Alegra inspires busy, ambitious leaders to slow down, tune in to their holistic whole body, connect to their desires, cultivate their intuition, and lose weight with ease. This simple, sustainable approach brings work life balance and leads to greater success.

Her most recent book, Kitchen Magic, brings a mindset of abundance to your kitchen and health. 

Alegra's passion is guiding us back to enjoying and actually living life in the midst of our hectic full schedules. 

She likes tea, chocolate, and reading self help books. Alegra lives in Sunny San Diego with her boys, where she writes and creates amongst cactus, coyotes, and wildflowers. 

Available Items

The Sugar Swap: Finding your Sweet Spot for More Life Balance (e-Course)

Do you wish all the sweet things could be calorie free?  Do you wish you could indulge on cookies or candy with no consequence? Do you wish kale would give you the same satisfaction as a piece of chocolate cake? Well, I am here to tell you that while you may not be able to magically change the calorie content of your favorite sweets, you CAN create the perfect-for-you relationship with sugar (without giving it up!) You can stop overeating sweets every night in front of the TV to relax and unwind from your busy day. You can stop turning to your sugary treat (or sugary coffee drink) to get you through the afternoon lull at work. You can reset your body so that the sugar doesn't control you. You can actually be more energized, more sharp at work, and ultimately more successful when you let go of the sugar binges! You can be free from the emotional roller coaster and easily stay on track with your food choices, without giving up any of your favorite foods! You can do ALL of this... and it has NOTHING to do with willpower!  The SUGAR SWAP is a 3-part course, delivered to you by email over 7 days. It includes a sugar swap cheat sheet to guide you through the process, emails to dive deeeper into the three steps, and a "stop your cravings" worksheet to get to the heart of the matter. It also includes one week of email coaching to support the changes. We start by looking for easy ways to replace the sugar with healthier substitutes. We then find your own personal Sweet Spot. It is the opposite of a diet.  The Sugar Swap is my signature three step process. It is simple and effective; it is perfect for the go-getters who want a new approach - that lasts - and that can be easily done without adding anything to your to do list... and without completely giving up sugar! This is not for someone looking for a quick fix. This is for you if you are ready for a new paradigm that addresses the root cause of the overeating.  My clients report feeling better, washing away the guilt, AND easily eating less sugar in three weeks when they follow the steps outlined in the Sugar Swap. This in turn leads to being able to enjoy yourself more throughout your days and ultimately finding more joy and pleasure as well, as you begin to find sweetness in other aspects of their life!  Because creating new habits is so much more fun with a friend - AND it's shown to be more successful - you may enroll a second person in this course with you as your partner. This program is designed for those us born with a sweet tooth, who find it hard to stop eating that sugar. To get results, plan to spend 1-2 hours on the reading and work in the first few days, and be ready to commit to more self work in the future; self-care only needs to take a few minutes per day, it can be as easy as writing in a guided journal. If you aren't ready to commit beyond one week, the program won't work. The sugar swap is one step towards a true emotional eating detox. My speciality is in helping my clients create an earth-based spiritual practice with health and happiness as the result. My books and courses do not offer quick fixes, but instead help you stay on track to health and natural weight loss by following the rhythm of the seasons. It's all about Small Steps, Big Magic, Crafting a life that sparkles! ~Alegra Loewenstein, Author of Emotional Eating Detox

Picky Kids into Healthy Eaters (e-Course)

You're busy, but with my simple, no-nonsense approach, you truly can change the way your children eat. The dream of everyone sitting down to a healthful family meal can be yours (even if you had to stay late at work).It all starts with your decision to make your kitchen a healthy kitchen. "Turn Your Picky Kids into Healthy Eaters Challenge" is a 7-day e-course delivered to your inbox and includes: FOUR downloadable support documents including: The Picky Kids into Healthy Eaters Planning Guide Personalized Family Food Rules to End Complaining How to Handle Snacks Bonus Sheet How to Keep Your Calm When You've Tried Everything Tip List With this program you will say good bye to the dinner time drama (and the exhaustion!). You will end snack time whining with ease. You will gain confidence in the kitchen. You will learn how to end the complaining and keep EVERYONE happy! I will teach you how in this e-Course. And since making new habits is always more fun (and more succesful) with a friend or partner, you can enroll a second person to embark on the course together with you. To get results, plan to spend 1-2 hours on the reading and worksheets in the first week, and be ready to commit on average 30 minutes per day to preparing food if you aren't doing so already (the course gives you plenty of back up plans for the days that go wrong). If you aren't ready to commit this much time, the program won't work. This program is designed for people with neurotypical kids ages 2-6; parents with neurodivergent and/or older kids may not benefit from this program. If you struggle with preparing food, or if your kids are neurodivergent or too old for this approach, you may request to trade this course for "Too Busy to Cook." My speciality is in helping my clients create an earth-based spiritual practice with health and happiness as the result; family harmony is just one small aspect of the bigger picture. My books and courses do not offer quick fixes, but instead help you stay on track to natural health by following the rhythm of the seasons. It's all about Small Steps, Big Magic, Crafting a life that sparkles!  ~Alegra Loewenstein, Author of Kitchen Magic

Too Busy to Cook: Low Stress Meal Planning and Prep (e-Course)

Eat Twice as Healthy in Half the Time You can eat home cooked meals by following my meal planning formula and mastering the essentials for healthy grocery shopping. You can stop turning to snack foods when you get home from work because you're just too tired to make a proper meal. You can stop feeling like it's too much work to make a meal for yourself. With my simple program, you will have a support method in your back pocket. This means it is THAT much easier to get back on the healthy eating train! Even when you get home late from work, the projects and paperwork pile up, you stayed too late, you had a hectic and demanding week, you have family stuff going on, or you just don't have the energy. You will have the tools you need to make a plan, and quickly, no matter the reason for your "off day." Learn my system to create healthy meals without a lot of upfront effort, but rather small amounts of effort spread throughout the week.  You will be eating better, without restrictions! And more of what YOU like! And the best part? It adds NOTHING to your to-do list! Sound too good to be true? It's not. It's based on years of my own personal "kitchen improv" as well as a rigorous study of what will actually work for people, and finding out what DIDN'T work for all my clients when they had tried the "other" approaches. This program is the result. It works, and it's even FUN!  This e-course is delivered to your email inbox and includes: FOUR weeks of dinner meal plans! ONE week of breakfast meal plans! Sample grocery lists! Seven days worth of inspiration! Free enrollment for a friend or partner! This program includes one month of email based health coaching to help you stay on track and customize the program to your own favorite meals. And becuase new habits are always more successful with a partner - and more fun, too - your course enrollment includes two people. These emails come over the course of the first week to help you stick to this important change for more health and happiness. Eating better will lead you to having more energy; having a simple plan that takes minimal time will help to stop feeling too overwhelmed too cook; you will instead create that life balance that will ultimately make you MORE relaxed and happy! I want you to be excited to eat well and to find it pleasurable to treat yourself to healthy home cooked meals. My program is unlike any other program out there, as it requires minimal prep and planning, and it spreads the work out throughout the week in a natural, flexible way. You will also receive support to keep you chock full of ideas and inspiration throughout all your meals and snacks! This approach will naturally begin to support your  life balance and ahcieving your health goals, leading the way to even more success! This program is designed for people who are ready to find a flexible approach to meal prep and planning that works with their busy schedule. To get results, plan to spend 1-2 hours on the reading and worksheets in the first week, and be ready to commit on average 30 minutes per day to preparing food if you aren't doing so already (with plenty of back up plans for the days that go wrong). If you aren't ready to commit this much time, the program won't work. The exciting news is that this course will have an accompanying book available for sale in 2025ish. Perfect for a refresher! My speciality is in helping my clients create an earth-based spiritual practice with health and happiness as the result. My books do not offer quick fixes, but instead help you stay on track to health and natural weight loss by following the rhythm of the seasons. It's all about small steps, big magic, crafting a life that sparkles! ~Alegra Loewenstein, Author of Kitchen Magic

The Perfect-For-You Affirmation Guide (e-Course)

When done correctly, affirmations are powerful ways to transform our aspirations into concrete rituals that bring about the change we desire. Affirmations are a proven way to train your brain, and just like exercise or creating a new habit, it takes practice. The more your practice, the better the affirmation will serve you. Luckily, it takes mere seconds to implement. Some topics my clients have written their affirmations for include: Weight loss Healthy living Career change Better relationship dynamics Business goals Self-love Peace of mind The perfect-for-you affirmation you will create and practice will help you reach your goals by coming to you in time of need. By choosing an affirmation that is just one step beyond where you are right now, you will prepare your mind to remember where you are trying to go! With this simple guide delivered to your inbox, you can create the perfect-for-you affirmation that will put you on the path that leads you, one small step at a time, to start living the life of your dreams!  Program includes:  A printable guide that takes you through the simple steps Audio program to help you stay on track One week of unlimited personalized feedback Lifetime access to the guide and audio Access for you AND a friend! Yes, that's right! Creating a new habit is so much more fun together with a partner, AND it leads to more lasting success. So go ahead and invite someone to join you. You can enroll two people in this course for the same price. My specialty is in helping my clients create an earth-based spiritual practice with health and happiness as the result. My books and courses help you stay on track to lasting change by following the rhythm of the seasons. It's all about Small Steps, Big Magic, and Crafting a life that sparkles! ~Alegra Loewenstein, Author of Kitchen Magic