City Museum | Donation Request Form

City Museum

$14,240 in goods donated to charitable events since May, 2023


Housed in an old shoe factory in Downtown St. Louis, City Museum is an ever-evolving, always-thrilling, artist-built playground full of weirdly wonderful spaces to explore. From a passion project to an indoor, outdoor, underground playground that welcomes adventurous visitors from all over, we had no idea what City Museum would become when we first opened our doors.

City Museum opened its 600,000 square foot space in 1997 and 25 years later, it boasts dozens of slides, man-made caves, a skate-less park, thousands of artifacts from around the world, and a school bus on the roof! It’s unlike any place on earth and a true gem of St. Louis.

Available Items

2024 General Admission Ticket

Come see what's inside City Museum! General Admission to City Museum includes access to the interior floors, plus MonstroCity (when it's not raining, of course!) Rooftop admission is an additional fee.