Myford Elementary Silent Auction | DonationMatch

Myford Elementary Silent Auction

Online Auction for Myford Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization
Dec 01, 2023 to Dec 15, 2023
Deadline: November 30, 2023

Who's Going
Fundraising Goal $5,000
Expected Attendance 1,200
Reach 1,200
Ticket Price $0
Metro Area Orange County, CA
Exempt Status 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)
Nonprofit Category B - Education
School Grades Elementary School
Attendee Gender Ratio 50% Male, 50% Female
Potential Item Uses Silent Auction
How Donors Promoted Event Program Website Facebook
Attendee Ages 0-4 Years 5-11 Years
Attendees' Children's Ages 0-4 Years 5-11 Years 12-17 Years 18+ Years

The Myford Elementary community is gearing up for our Silent Auction fundraiser in November, and we need your help! Myford is a public K-5 elementary school and member of the Tustin Unified School District in Irvine. We have over 500 students and an active PTO that helps raise funds to provide field trips, art instruction, technology equipment, library supplies, and other programs and learning materials not provided by State or District funding. We believe that providing an excellent educational experience for our young learners is a collaborative effort, and we recognize the importance of engaging local businesses to reach our goals.

We invite your business to join our active, engaged, and diverse school community by participating in our Silent Auction event! Your donated gift certificate, gift card, or other contribution will be advertised, promoted, and auctioned. Your generous donation is critical to our event’s success, and is tax deductible. For your records, the Myford Parent Teacher Organization is a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3), Tax ID# 33-0973695. 


Myford Elementary Silent Auction
3181 Trevino Dr
Irvine, CA 92602