6th Annual Ladies Night | DonationMatch

6th Annual Ladies Night

Other Event Type for PTA New Jersey Congress/ Kingston School PTA
May 18, 2024 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Deadline: May 11, 2024

Who's Going
Fundraising Goal $15,000
Expected Attendance 300
Reach 1,000
Ticket Price $30
Metro Area Philadelphia, PA
Exempt Status 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)
Nonprofit Category B - Education
School Grades Elementary School
Attendee Gender Ratio 100% Female
Potential Item Uses Raffle/Sweepstakes Silent Auction
How Donors Promoted Event Signage Event Program Event Announcement Newsletter Printed Flyers Website Email Blast Facebook Instagram
Attendee Ages 18-24 Years 25-34 Years 35-44 Years 55-64 Years 65+ Years
Attendees' Children's Ages 0-4 Years 5-11 Years 12-17 Years 18+ Years
Special Populations Moms

Kingston Elementary School PTA
320 Kingston Rd. | Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034 | 856-667-0986
Tax ID #: 23-7213849
Dear Friends of Kingston Elementary School,
Kingston Elementary School’s PTA is thrilled to announce that we will be hosting our 6th
Annual Parents Night Out event on Saturday, May 18, 2024! Our event includes Designer
Bag Bingo, raffle baskets, silent auctions, door prizes and so much more!
Our goal for this year's event is to raise $15,000. As you know, producing such an event will
have costs. That’s where we need you, for all of this would not be possible without the support
of a dedicated group of local sponsors!
Below is a breakdown of the different levels of support we can offer you in return for your
generous contribution. Just know, every sponsorship dollar is important, and it enables us to
give back to help Kingston’s children, families, and staff. These donations have been recently
used for teacher & principal needs (such as replaced a non-functioning printer); student needs
(such as supply caddies); a handicapped accessible gaga pit; sensory wall; teacher
appreciation day; gifting a book for student birthdays; little or no cost for Kingston families to
attend various events (such as Spaghetti Night, Pumpkin Carving Night, book fairs); and funds
buses/bus drivers for Kingston field trips.
Here are the ways you can help:
As a Diamond Sponsor, your generous donation includes:
• A Round of Bingo - Your company will sponsor a round of bingo (includes 15 second
blurb announced before the round, your logo displayed on screen throughout the round
& your choice of design for the game board)
• Silent Auction Sponsor - Allows your company to sponsor one of our silent auction
items. Your business name and logo will be placed on or near one of our silent auction
items and listed on the auction handouts.
• QR Code Callout - Your company will provide us with a link to a website of your
choosing. We will create a custom sign with your QR code and company name to be
displayed on all tables.
• A raffle basket sponsor - Allows your company to sponsor one of our raffle
baskets. Your business name and logo will be placed on or near one of our raffle
basket items and listed on the raffle basket handouts.
• Full Page Ad - Your business will provide a full-page ad to be included in all information
packets handed out to all attendees.
• Your business name and logo will be included on a poster by the door prize table.
• You will be thanked on our PTA Facebook page and email list.
As a Platinum Sponsor, your generous donation includes:
• A raffle basket sponsor - Allows your company to sponsor one of our raffle baskets.
Your business name and logo will be placed on or near one of our raffle basket items
and listed on the raffle basket handouts.
• Half Page Ad - Your business will provide a half page ad to be included in all
information packets handed out to all attendees.
• Your business name and logo will be included on a poster by the door prize table.
• You will be thanked on our PTA Facebook page and email list.
GOLD SPONSOR - $100.00
As a Gold Sponsor, your generous donation includes:
• Quarter Page Ad - Your business will provide a quarter page ad to be included in all
information packets handed out to all attendees.
• Your business name and logo will be included on a poster by the door prize table.
• You will be thanked on our PTA Facebook page and email list.
SILVER SPONSOR - IN KIND DONATIONS: Donations are always welcome, both monetary
and items for our baskets/auction. Anything that you give will be greatly appreciated!
As a Silver Sponsor, your generous donation includes:
• Your business name will be included in the information packets.
• You will be thanked on our PTA Facebook page and email list.

Saint Thomas Greek Orthodox Church
615 Mercer Street
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034