Adult Tricky Tray
Gala/Party for Berkley School PTOFeb 23, 2017 from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM
The Berkley School PTO is holding our annual Tricky Tray/ Adult Night to raise funds for the students of Berkley Street Elementary School. We are anticipating at least 150 people to attend and purchase tickets to bid on various items. All items received will be artfully displayed in baskets or gift bags promoting your company's name. As a completely non-profit organization all monies raised will go towards programs and events that directly benefit our children.
We are looking for businesses that are willing to donate a product or service for auction. In exchange for your charitable donation, your company will be included in our program guide and on our PTO website. Any business cards or literature provided to us will also be displayed and handed out.
Please consider giving generously to this very worthy cause. Our children's future depends on our support. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
97 Rivervale road
RiverVale, NJ 07675