Bingo | DonationMatch


Other Event Type for Churchville Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization
Nov 15, 2024 6:00 PM
Deadline: October 31, 2024

Who's Going
Fundraising Goal $6,000
Expected Attendance 185
Reach 600
Ticket Price $30
Metro Area Philadelphia, PA
Exempt Status Public School or University
Nonprofit Category B - Education
School Grades Elementary School
Attendee Gender Ratio 50% Male, 50% Female
Potential Item Uses Raffle/Sweepstakes
How Donors Promoted Event Signage Event Announcement Facebook
Attendee Ages 18-24 Years 25-34 Years 35-44 Years
Attendees' Children's Ages 5-11 Years
Special Populations Adults-Only Event (21+ Up)

We will be hosting an adult only bingo to raise funds for our PTO. 

Ben Wilson Center
580 Delmont Abe
Warminster, PA 18975