Boots & Bling Gala
Gala/Party for St Mark Presbyterian Church/ The Early Learning CenterMar 01, 2025 from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM
The purpose of St. Mark Presbyterian Church Early Learning Centeris to nuture the spiritual, social, emotional, cognitive, and physical growth of children in a climate of love and support through a Christian based program of excellence. The program seeks, through a varied and enriching curriculum, to help children in the development of self-direction, self-expression, self-discipline, and a postiive self-image.
We are the only NAEYC accredited school and 4 Star Texas Rising Star school in the Kendall County serving 108 children.
Our 4th annual Boots & Bling Gala is to be held on Saturday, March 1, 2025 at Paniolo Ranch ib Boerne, Texas. This exciting event will include a silent auction, live auction, dinner, and DJ entertainment. Our goal for this gala is to raise $35,000. Funds raised at the gala will be used for scholarships, classrooom enhancements, enrichment programs and additional teacher training. It is with hope and enthusiasm that we ask you to consider supporting our school.