Christmas IN July bowling Fundraiser
Sporting Event for Children And Families First DelawareJul 17, 2024 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Dear Community Friend!
I want to share a special opportunity with you, one that I believe you will agree is both impactful and valuable. You see, research has proven that for children who are exposed to traumas like abuse, neglect, and violence, what happens next makes all the difference. YOU can be the help they need! Even better, you can do it with the simple act of donating an item or service.
Yes, really! On Thursday, July 17th, from 5 to 8pm, at Bowlerama in New Castle, DE, Children & Families First (CFF), is hosting A Christmas in July Bowling Tournament fundraiser. 100% of the event proceeds will go directly to support the mission and work of CFF – and the on-site raffle auction to be held during the tournament is a big part of that.
Open to all, whether they are a Supreme Striker, Glorious Gutterballer, or Sideline Spectator, the tournament is anticipating more than 300 individuals who will immediately align your brand with a cause they care about. Not only will you increase your customer base and brand loyalty, you’ll also make an immediate positive impact on the life and future of a child who needs you.
For more than 135 years Children & Families First has been one of Delaware's most trusted non-profit leaders in providing the support and services children and their families need. All contributions are considered tax-deductible donations to the fullest extent allowed – and we’re more than happy to provide you with tax receipt acknowledgment.
We are also looking for lane sponsors!!! GREAT way to showcase your company and you bring a table to display all you offer!
Please donate today. Because when you do, you will know that you were the one person who made all the difference in the life of a child.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me! By email: or by phone: 302-750-0159.
In Holiday Spirit!
Steff DiMartine
Children & Families First
p.s. Donations can be mailed to CFFDE, Attn: Steff, 555 Justison Street, Wilmington, DE 19801 or picked up by arrangement. Thanks!

3031 New Castle Ave
New Castle , DE 19720