CHS Annual 18th Annual Gift Auction
Gala/Party for Communications High School PSFA Inc.Mar 11, 2023 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Event Name: PSFA 18th Annual Gift Auction
Event Date: Saturday, March 11, 2023
Event venue: Jumping Brook Country Club, Neptune, NJ
Contact email address:
Our organization is tax-exempt under section 501(c) (3) of the IRS code.
Tax-exempt number is available upon request
Address: Communications High School PSFA Inc.
1740 New Bedford Road
Wall, NJ 07719
PSFA Website:
NCES District ID: available upon request
NCES School ID: available upon request
Total teachers: 33
Total students: 320
Student/Teacher ratio: 9.7
Mission: The Parent Student Faculty Association (PSFA) ensures that our students continue to realize their full potential through provision of enhancements to their education. Our goal is to raise monetary funds to supplement the student's learning inside and outside the classroom setting.
Services provided: We provide grants to our students and faculty for state of the art equipment, industry leading guest speakers, trips for school club competition events, student service initiatives, school clubs activities, caps and gowns for graduation, graduation venue cost as well as many other items that arise throughout the school year.
Population served: Communications High School, a public career academy in the Monmouth County Vocational School District, is located in Wall, New Jersey and serves approximately 300 students from more than forty school districts in Monmouth County.
Purpose of the event: Each year the Parent Student Faculty Association (PSFA) holds a Gift Auction in order to raise money to supplement the student's education. This event is our school's largest fundraiser.
Average Event Attendance: 165
Event budget: $10,000
Anticipated event revenue: $16,000
Number of volunteers: 40

210 Jumping Brook Rd
Tinton Falls, NJ 07753