Clinton Casino Royale
Other Event Type for The Parent-Teacher Association of the Clinton School for Writers andJun 05, 2023 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
The Clinton School, located in the Union Square area of Manhattan, is a 6-12 public school with a mission to engage its 750 students in an academically rigorous learning environment that prepares all students for the IB Diploma Programme and college.
To support our vital and expanding enrichment programing, the Clinton School Parents Association depends on parents, friends, and business partners to help us fund and maintain these initiatives all year long. The NYC Department of Education does not fund essentials such as IB Diploma Programme and IB Middle Years Programme participation fees, classroom and art supplies, musical instruments, technology, and arts enrichment programs. Similarly, extracurricular activities (teams, clubs, Model UN, tutoring, chaperoning) as well as sports equipment and uniforms also require additional funding and support to exist.
The largest Clinton PA fundraiser, the Annual Auction, will be held on Monday, June 5, 2023 at Scandinavia House (58 Park Avenue).
Please consider making a generous donation of goods or services to ensure that our fundraiser is a huge success. Donated items are the key to our success. The Clinton Parents Association is a registered 501(c)(3) organization and your donation is 100% tax-deductible (Tax ID #51-0481670).
This is also a great way for you to highlight your local business to over 700 Clinton families who participate in this wonderful event and come from throughout New York City.