Cocktails for Canines
Gala/Party for Second City Canine RescueApr 13, 2024 from 5:30 PM to 11:00 PM
Deadline: March 22, 2024
Who's Going
Fundraising Goal $275,000
Expected Attendance 300
Reach 5,000
Ticket Price $145
Metro Area Chicago, IL
Exempt Status 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)
Nonprofit Category D - Animal-Related
Attendee Gender Ratio 25% Male, 75% Female
Potential Item Uses Online Auction
How Donors Promoted Event Program Website Email Blast Facebook Instagram
Attendee Ages 25-34 Years 35-44 Years 45-54 Years 55-64 Years 65+ Years
Attendees' Children's
Ages Unsure
Populations Moms Adults-Only Event (21+ Up) Foodies

We are so excited to announce that Second City Canine Rescue's popular spring gala will be held on Saturday, April 13 at Avante Banquets in Fox River Grove. This gala will raise about one-third of our annual revenue and is key to our life-saving efforts for 2024.
Avante Banquet's gorgeous space allows us to grow this event and add an hour of socializing and dancing after our program. Also new for 2024, our gala emcee will be Dina Bair, Emmy award-winning journalist and anchor for WGN Midday News, who is also an SCCR two-time adopter!

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Avante Banquets1054 Northwest Hwy
Fox River Grove, IL 60021