Fall Festival Silent Auction
Carnival/Festival for PTA California Congress/ Mitchell Elementary PTAOct 25, 2024 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
We are organizing a silent auction fundraiser on October 25, 2024, to raise money for our school's programs and activities. The funds we raise ensure every student has equitable access to all activities throughout the year regardless of ability to afford it or not. With this fundraiser, the PTA can raise much needed funds to pay for every activity for every student regardless of ability to pay. Our school has kiddos from TK - 6th grade.
We are looking for generous donors like you to contribute items or services that we can auction off at the event. Your donation will help us provide our students with quality education, enriching extracurriculars, and a safe and supportive learning environment. You will also receive recognition for your donation on our website, social media, and event materials.
16821 Goodvale Rd
Canyon Country, CA 91387