GO BIG RED | DonationMatch


Online Auction for Chapel Hill Education Foundation
Jan 24, 2025 from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Deadline: December 31, 2024

Who's Going
Fundraising Goal $75,000
Expected Attendance 2,500
Reach 3,500
Ticket Price $5
Metro Area Fort Worth, TX
Exempt Status 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)
Nonprofit Category B - Education
School Grades Daycare and Pre-K Elementary School Middle School High School
Attendee Gender Ratio 50% Male, 50% Female
Potential Item Uses Gift Bag Live Auction Online Auction Raffle/Sweepstakes Silent Auction
How Donors Promoted Event Signage Event Program Event Announcement Printed Flyers Website Email Blast Facebook Instagram
Attendee Ages 5-11 Years 12-17 Years 18-24 Years 25-34 Years 35-44 Years 45-54 Years 55-64 Years 65+ Years
Attendees' Children's Ages 0-4 Years 5-11 Years 12-17 Years 18+ Years
Special Populations College Students Active People Foodies

The Chapel Hill Education Foundation is very excited about our upcoming fundraising
event, “GO BIG RED!” We would like to invite you to help us continue the rich tradition
of improving the lives and education of children in the Chapel Hill Independent School

We will host our Chicken Stew & Silent Auction in conjunction with our Homecoming Activities. It is sure to be an evening of fellowship, fun, and fundraising! 

The Chapel Hill Education Foundation is a non-profit corporation formed in 2003. The
purpose of our organization is to promote scholarships in the Chapel Hill Independent
School District by providing financial support, leadership opportunities and professional
expertise for students and teachers to colleges, universities, trade or technical schools and
professional seminars. In addition, the foundation provides financial support through grants
to each of the Chapel Hill campuses for qualified educational projects.

Each year since its beginning CHEF has continuously awarded scholarships with over
$30,000 in scholarships annually for the past several years to graduating seniors,
accomplishing a long-term giving goal. Many of those students are now studying at or have
graduated from UT Austin, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Texas State Technical College,
Arkansas, Columbia University and NTCC, just to name a few. Last year, our classroom grant
program awarded over $25,000 to teachers in support of expanding and developing programs.
We are grateful for our community’s support and we hope to accomplish even more this year!

But we can’t do it alone – we need your help.
Please consider making a financial contribution to the foundation in the form of a
Sponsorship or a silent auction item donation. Thank you for helping the Chapel Hill
Education Foundation enrich the learning experience of all our kids!

Chapel Hill Multi Purpose
1069 cr 4660
Mount Pleasant, TX 75455