Hollywood, Walk the Red Carpet
Gala/Party for Torrey Pines Elementary School FoundationMar 11, 2023 from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM
We our hosting our annual gala fundraiser to support the Torrey Pines Elementary School (TPES) Foundation in La Jolla, California, on March 11th, 2023. This is one of our biggest annual fundraisers and it’s an opportunity for your business to reach the local families and extended networks of our nearly 500 students!
Our goal is to raise money to offset the negative effects of California’s education budget, which leaves a significant funding gap for public schools. We are looking for items, experiences, and gift cards for our auction. The funds raised ensure that TPES students continue to have visual and performing arts, physical education, foreign languages, gardening, class size reduction, small group instruction, and supplies for the classroom, science lab, library, and enrichment programs.
This is a great way to advertise with our community and extended network in La Jolla! Our silent auction is accessible to anyone in our community; individuals do not need to attend the live gala in order to bid on the silent auction, so there is a wide reach for the number of views for auction items. Our live auction will reach highly engaged gala attendees and aim to generate high financial returns and lots of fun and excitement at our gala!
We also have Corporate Sponsorship opportunities if you are interested in underwriting Gala expenses or advertising with our community at a wide-range of events.
Our Foundation’s ability to continue is due in large part to the generous support of donors like you who believe in our mission.
Thank you in advance for your consideration, donation, and support of our students!