Father Daughter Gala 2025 | DonationMatch

Father Daughter Gala 2025

Gala/Party for Vista Verde Foundation
Feb 23, 2025 from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Deadline: February 1, 2025

Who's Going
Fundraising Goal $1,000
Expected Attendance 160
Reach 500
Ticket Price $100
Metro Area Orange County, CA
Exempt Status 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)
Nonprofit Category B - Education
School Grades Elementary School
Attendee Gender Ratio 25% Male, 75% Female
Potential Item Uses Raffle/Sweepstakes
How Donors Promoted Event Signage Event Program Event Announcement Printed Flyers Website Email Blast Instagram
Attendee Ages 5-11 Years 12-17 Years 35-44 Years 45-54 Years
Attendees' Children's Ages 5-11 Years 12-17 Years


On Sunday, February 23th, 2025, the Vista Verde School Foundation will host the Annual Father Daughter Gala benefiting the Vista Verde Foundation.

Vista Verde is a K-8 Irvine public school recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a National Blue Ribbon School. The campus is located in the Turtle Ridge community but attracts families from every corner of our city. Our student population reflects a rich diversity of cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds.

The Vista Verde Foundation was established in 2000 with the mission to help enhance the educational environment for Vista Verde School students, parents, and staff. The Foundation is a Non-Profit Organization that is supported solely from donations and receives no funds from tax dollars.

With state education budget cuts getting deeper each year, and lack of fundraising events due to the pandemic, events such as this are more critical than ever. The Foundation focuses on capital improvements to the school and looks to raise funds for specific needs, both short and long term. Proceeds from this year’s dinner and Auction will help ensure that continuing facility and technology needs at Vista Verde are met. To date the Foundation has funded the purchase of shade structures in the playgrounds, an upgraded sound system in the multipurpose room, the electronic school marquee, 1:1 Chromebook/iPad classrooms, an innovative science lab in the middle school wing. Most recently, helped fund the state-of-the-art movable library furniture. The Foundation also funds grant requests submitted by our own teachers and staff for materials or technologies to create or expand the educational opportunities for our students.

Attendees of the event are members of the Irvine Community, both adults and children, and will prove to be the ideal demographic to market your organization with.




University Club
801 E Peltason Dr,
Irvine, CA 92617