LTEF's Spring for the Arts
Other Event Type for Lawrence Township Education FoundationMay 22, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

On May 22, 2021, the Lawrence Township Education Foundation (LTEF) will be holding a brand new event & fundraiser, Spring for the Arts, Featuring the Artists of Lawrence. We are seeking donations that can be used for the silent auction and raffles and hope that you will consider contributing. This event is expected to bring more than 350 participants together over the course of the day to celebrate local artists and musicians. The event will also feature a silent auction, raffle, art auction, food trucks and more. We expect this event to be a sell-out success that will help us raise tens of thousands of dollars to fund grant projects. All funds raised from this event will be used to support the mission of LTEF and will benefit students in the Lawrence Township Public Schools.

2525 Princeton Pike
Lawrence Township, NJ 08648