March Madness Fund Raiser and Golf Tournament
Golf Tournament for El Paso Symphony OrchestraApr 04, 2022 from 1:00 PM to 10:30 PM
March Madness is the El Paso Symphony Orchestra’s largest annual fundraiser and is scheduled for Monday, April 4, 2022. Up to 500 of the area’s most prominent businessmen and women regularly attend this event.
The March Madness event is held at the Coronado Country Club and features the NCAA Basketball Championship game televised on multiple big screens throughout the room. Pre-game festivities include dinner, a silent auction and raffle item selection beginning at 6:00pm. Tip off will be at approximately 7:00pm with a live auction at halftime. The event also includes a Golf Tournament held earlier in the day. Annually the March Madness Fund Raiser raises over $30,000.
The purpose of the El Paso Symphony’s education and outreach programs is to educate as many young people as possible, in our community and surrounding areas, of the art of live classical music. Without these programs thousands of the areas under-served and impoverished children would never have the opportunity to experience the “magic” of a live symphony concert.