Montera Middle School Auction
Online Auction for Montera Junior High Parent Faculty Student Club/ Montera Middle School PTOFeb 08, 2020 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM

On behalf of Montera Middle School, please consider donating a gift card for our February 8, 2020 silent auction at the California Ballroom 1736 Franklin Street, Oakland, CA 94612. Raising funds for this community event is critical to our PTO’s ability to fill the gap between public funding and our school’s real financial needs.
Founded in 1959, Montera is a diverse, urban public middle school with a rich history and bright future. We are a Title 1 school, serving 750 students from over 40 different elementary schools. Our school is currently a candidate to become an International Baccalaureate® school with a focus on the arts, innovation and collaboration, and project-based learning. We need support from businesses like yours to sustain strong academic achievement and enrichment programs despite continued drastic cuts in the district budget.
Your tax-deductible donation will fund vital programs that include Montera’s:
- Lunchtime clubs which promote exercise through sports, while building self-esteem, sportsmanship, companionship, and nurturing healthy relationships in a safe space. Activities include Basketball, Football, Soccer, Crossfit, Ultimate Frisbee, Jump Roping, and Tetherball.
- Additional lunchtime clubs including Chess, Music, Walking For Health, Feminist Club, Black Student Alliance, Gaming, Hip Hop History, Gardening, and Yearbook.
- $300 per teacher for classroom supplies.
- successful music program to repair and purchase instruments.
- phenomenal sports program that supplies athletes with uniforms, equipment, coaching, coordination of games, and after-school study hall.
- special teacher mini-grants where teachers and students can create community murals, attend shows and go on field trips, and participate in math and reading remediation programs.
- scholarships for our after-school program as well as enrichment classes, some of which include, Homework Center, Bodirock Dancers, Computer, Science, Cheerleading, Basketball, Softball, Music, Jazz, Debate, Cross Country, Techbridge, and Home Economics.
To donate and/or sponsor, please fill out the below form and return with your donation to the enclosed address, or contact to email a gift certificate or arrange for pick-up. All donations must be sent no later than January 6, 2020. All donors will be acknowledged on our website, weekly newsletter, and the night of our fundraiser.
Thank you for supporting our Oakland public school!
Loryn Hudson
Auction Coordinator 510-589-2442
Montera Middle School 5555 Ascot Drive Oakland, CA 94611 Taxpayer ID# 23-7266421

1736 Franklin Street
Oakland, CA 94612