New Haven's Restoring Hope FUNdraiser 2018
Gala/Party for New Haven Youth & Family ServicesOct 09, 2018 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
New Haven Youth & Family Services is a Non-Profit 501(C)(3) agency that has been effectively working with youth and their familes since 1967. New Haven meets the needs of at-risk teenagers with emotional, behavioral and learning challenges through career technical education and clinical intervention and helps them transition into adulthood with necessary life skills. New Haven supports the 'whole person' development of troubled youth as we guide them from despair to hope. Board Member George Chamberlin recently noted that "The model work being done at New Haven recognizes and remedies the root causes of soaring dropout rates among at-risk youth..., but more importantly it guides them into a hopeful and productive future."
The Friends of New Haven is an all volunteer group whose mission is to support New Haven Youth & Family Services and is committed to helping New Haven prepare youth to return to their families and community with little or no further required intervention. Here's how you can help us accomplish this...The Friends of New Haven is hosting it's annual Restoring Hope FUNdraiser at Coyote Bar & Grill in Carlsbad, California on Tuesday October 9th, 2018 at 6PM. We invite you to take an active role with a donation for our Live & Silent Auction. Your participation will allow us to showcase your company to all who attend and to our partner organizaitons. Your commitment and support is important to the youth and families who call on New Haven for help.
The potential for our community is great but the opportunity for these youth is enormous. Join us as we change the future of our community, one youth at a time.

300 Carlsbad Village Dr
Carlsbad, CA 92008