PRCA 2024 Classic
Golf Tournament for Park Row Christian AcademyNov 04, 2024 from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM

Park Row Christian Academy is pleased to announce our second annual golf tournament being held at Shady Valley Country Club in Arlington, Tx on November 4, 2024.
Shotgun start will begin at 8:30 am and lunch will be served at 12 pm. Raffle tickets and mulligans are available for purchase before and during the tournament. During lunch we will announce our First, Second, and Third place winners and also the various hole contest winners like, Hole-in-One, Longest-Putt, Longest-Drive, and Closest-to-the-Pin.
Individual ticket sales are $125 and Foursome tickets are $400. We have multiple sponsorships available. Platinum ($3,000), Gold ($2,500), Silver ($2,000), Bronze ($1,500), Hole Contest ($350) and Hole Sponsor's ($250). Each sponsorship comes with a certain amount of perks and advertising opportunities.
The money raised from the tournament will go towards building upgrades (carpets, playground shading, gym light covers, etc.).

4001 West Park Row Drive
Arlington, TX 76013