Presents & PJ's: ECHS PTSA Annual Winter Auction
Online Auction for PTA Texas Congress/ Early College High School PTSANov 26, 2021 8:00 AM to Dec 05, 2021 8:00 PM
We are volunteer school fundraisers and are seeking a donation for our nationwide, online fundraising auction, “Presents & PJ’s” in December 2021. Our PTSA organization is a nonprofit certified on under the tax EIN: 81-5455851.
Our PTSA supports RRISD’s Early College High School. ECHS is the newest high school in the Round Rock Independent School District. It awards up to 60 community college hours at zero cost to the student as they earn their High School diploma. This online auction is our largest fundraiser and directly supports the approximately 375 students on our campus. All funds raised will go to the ECHS PTSA general fund to support Programs for the ECHS Community, Hospitality events, Grants, Scholarships and Senior Celebration. We are the only organization on campus that financially assists with the funding of the above events.
We hope that your business will consider making a small donation to support the students of ECHS. As an auction donor, your support will be recognized on our website, social media, print advertisement for the event and electronic communications regarding our event.

PO Box 1901, Attn: Winter Auction
Round Rock, TX 78680