Scott Strong Memorial Golf Tournament
Golf Tournament for Educational Foundation of Lake County, Inc.Oct 23, 2020 from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
The Educational Foundation is a non-profit orgranization that is the direct support organization for Lake County Public Schools. Our mission is to serve as the connections between our community and public education, evaluating needs and securing resources to enhance the quality of education.
Scott Strong believed that the business community had the opportunity to share their resources and provide Lake County students with the edge in public education. In 2004, his vision resulted in the founding of the the Educational Foundation Golf Tournament. The tournament has since been renamed in his memory and has raised over a million dollars. These funds help maintain essential educational programs, award grants for innovative teaching practices, and provide scholarships to local students.
Over the past 10 years, through the generosity of our sponsors, The Scott Strong Memorial Fund has awarded $129,250 in scholarships to 115 deserving students. The scholarship committee reviews hundreds of applications and interviews countless potential recipients to select just the right recipients.
10400 FL 48
Howey In The Hills, FL 34737