SPX Emerald City Gala: an Evening in Oz
Gala/Party for St. Pius X Catholic SchoolFeb 18, 2023 from 6:00 PM to 11:59 PM
In the last few years, St. Pius X School has felt overwhelming support from our community when we had to pivot to virtual auctions. We feel blessed by the abundance of assistance and generosity towards our school. This support has helped sustain our school and keep our doors open amid a worldwide pandemic.
For over 50 years, St. Pius X School has recognized the value of each student and challenged each individual to be a responsible, self-disciplined, lifelong learner in the service of the church and society. You have been an invaluable contributor to that mission, and we humbly ask that you continue supporting Catholic education during our annual school fundraiser.
Our in-person auction provides a significant source of funds for the school annually. After two years of hosting virtual fundraising events, our annual auction, Emerald City Gala: A Night in Oz, will be held in person on February 18, 2023, at St. Pius X.
While tuition covers a portion of the costs of educating our students, the money raised at our annual auction is necessary to upgrade facilities, outfit classrooms with cutting-edge technology, and provide teachers with valuable resources. Last year, proceeds from the auction went towards new laptops for our teachers, a technology cart, updates to our campus, and scholarships, ensuring each child at St. Pius X receives an exceptional education.
This year we hope to raise funds to cover our outdoor playground and the upper school carpool. We also hope to grow our arts program, which will include updating the theater curtains in Parish Hall. Finally, our goal is to increase our Scholarship Fund by 20% and offer financial aid to benefit 20% more families across all levels of need.
Attached you will find donation and underwriting forms for this year’s Emerald City Gala. Your tax-deductible contribution, in any capacity, is greatly appreciated. Please mail your completed form to St. Pius X Catholic School at Attn: Auction, 3030 Gus Thomasson Rd, Dallas, TX 75228. You can also donate online at https://bidpal.net/spxemeraldcity/. If you have any questions, please contact us at spxauction1@gmail.com.
The last few years have challenged us, but we persevered and are thrilled to celebrate our school in person again. The opportunity to help our teachers and community is upon us. We hope to continue updating and advancing our campus for the future of our students. Thank you in advance for your support. Through your generosity, you join us in our mission to provide the best possible environment for academic, spiritual, and social growth.
3030 Gus Thomasson Rd
Dallas, TX 75228