Summer Reading Program
Other Event Type for Township of Fairfield/ Fairfield Public LibraryJun 24, 2022 11:00 AM to Aug 05, 2022 11:00 AM
Deadline: June 17, 2022
Who's Going
Fundraising Goal $0
Expected Attendance 500
Reach 500
Ticket Price $0
Metro Area New York, NY
Exempt Status Government or Military
Nonprofit Category W - Public & Societal Benefit
Attendee Gender Ratio 50% Male, 50% Female
Potential Item Uses Raffle/Sweepstakes
How Donors Promoted Event Signage Event Announcement Printed Flyers Website Email Blast Facebook Instagram
Attendee Ages 0-4 Years 5-11 Years 12-17 Years
Attendees' Children's
Ages 0-4 Years 5-11 Years 12-17 Years
Our 6-week Summer Reading Program bridges the "summer gap" and allows students to earn prizes for reading their favorite books, graphic novels, and more. Participants may trade in their reading logs for raffle tickets towards grand prizes, which are given to winners (randomly chosen among participants) at the finale party.

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Fairfield Public Library261 Hollywood Avenue
Fairfield, NJ 07068