Teacher Appreciation Week
Other Event Type for Clark County School District/ Brown Academy of International StudiesMay 06, 2024 7:00 AM to May 10, 2024 2:00 PM
Teacher Appreciation Week is celebrated from May 6, 2024 - May 10, 2024, and is a time to give our teachers the extra credit they deserve.
Teaching is one of the oldest professions – in 561 BC, the first private teacher in history was one of the most learned men of all time, Confucius. In Ancient Greece, there was huge value placed on educating children, and in the 1600s the Pilgrims also placed a similar emphasis on the practice.
Although the origins of Teacher Appreciation Week are somewhat murky, it’s clear that it started in 1944 when an Arkansas school teacher, Mattye White Woodridge, wrote to politicians and educational professionals about the demand for a day to appreciate teachers. However, it wasn’t until nearly a decade later when the idea was introduced to Congress by none other than Eleanor Roosevelt. In 1953, she was successful in convincing lawmakers to adopt the day.
On March 7, 1980, America celebrated the first National Teacher Appreciation Day. In 1984, the National Parent Teacher Association decided that teachers needed recognition for a least one week and moved it to May. Thus, the first Teacher Appreciation Week in America began. Teacher Appreciation Day is described by the NEA as “a day for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make to our lives.”
We are asking for our community’s help in making our teachers feel all the appreciation we have for them. We are looking for any donations to incorporate into the week's events. Gift cards, items to raffle, bulk items for gift bags, or sponsoring a breakfast or lunch are all possible ideas. Anything you or your business could provide would be greatly appreciated. We will take pictures of the donations and post a thank you on our school website and social media pages. We appreciate your consideration and commitment to our school community!
Please reach out to Mrs. Kelly (Librarian) at 702-799-8900 ext. 4026 or kellyap@nv.ccsd.net with any questions or needs about the upcoming events.
307 Cannes Street
Henderson, NV 89015