The Scott Fish Bowl | DonationMatch

The Scott Fish Bowl

Other Event Type for Fantasy Cares
Jul 06, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Deadline: July 1, 2024

Who's Going
Fundraising Goal $15,000
Expected Attendance 300
Reach 500
Ticket Price $0
Metro Area Cincinnati, OH
Exempt Status 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)
Nonprofit Category O - Youth Development
Attendee Gender Ratio 50% Male, 50% Female
Potential Item Uses Raffle/Sweepstakes Other
How Donors Promoted Event Announcement Email Blast Event Program Website Facebook
Attendee Ages 25-34 Years 35-44 Years 45-54 Years 55-64 Years
Attendees' Children's Ages 0-4 Years 5-11 Years 12-17 Years 18+ Years
Special Populations Active People Health Conscious Foodies

This is a 'live draft' for contestants in the annual Scott Fish Bowl, the world’s most famous fantasy football event. It's a Pro-Am Celebrity fantasy football league with nearly 4,000 participants worldwide. Participants include nearly every analyst in the fantasy industry, athletes, actors, musicians, celebrities, and thousands of others playing in the spirit of charity and doing good.   Fantasy Cares started as a fundraising group that utilized fantasy football as a way to raise money to buy toys for Toys 4 Tots each year. It grew quickly and we formed an accredited 501(c)(3) charity in 2022.  We combined our passions for fantasy football and charity and have been able to support some great causes. Each summer we host the Fantasy Cares headline event, The Scott Fish Bowl, in numerous cities - 35 in 2024, including Cincinnati.  The Scott Fish Bowl is now international, with live drafts happening this summer in London, Sao Paulo, and Mexico City. We are now a National Corporate Sponsor of Toys for Tots, so the majority of money raised is used to buy toys for kids at Christmas. We have also raised funds for hurricane relief, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Coats for Kids, Go Pantry, Feeding America, The Equal Justice Initiative, Last Christmas, Every Meal, ALS One, Noresled Dog Rescue and many more.  

Any donation is appreciated for our silent auction / raffle. This year, 44,000 people entered for a chance to be one of the roughly 4,000 who made it into the annual Scott Fish Bowl. There are no cash prizes - we all donate money and play for bragging rights, knowing that our efforts will help Fantasy Cares do some good in this world.

Voodoo Brewing
120 E 8th St
Cincinnati, OH 45202