Tricky Tray - Hopatcong High School PTSO
Online Auction for Hopatcong High School Parent Teacher Student OrganizationMay 21, 2022 from 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
In Person Tricky Tray Event!!
Hopatcong High School PTSO (Parent Teacher Student Organization)
Tricky Tray
Saturday, May 21, 2022
Hopatcong High School Gym
Event begins @ 12:30, Calling Begins @ 3PM
Pre-Sale Ticket Entry @ Noon
Adults Only – Admission is FREE (No one under age 18 will be admitted)
Large Prizes include Caribbean Resort Accommodations, a 70-inch TV, BBQ Grill, Firepit, Kayak, Tickets to Area Attractions & so much more!
Lottery Ticket Apron & 50/50 Raffle!
Pre-Sale Ticket Bundles
Bundle A: $20.00 Bundle B: $45.00
Pre-Sale Ticket Bundles can be purchased at our Pre-Sale Location:
Hopatcong Dunkin Donuts, 42 Hopatchung Road, Hopatcong, NJ 07843
Tuesdays 6:00-8:00pm & Wednesdays 7:00-8:00pm - February 15th thru May 14th
Check our Facebook page for Pop-Up Sales Events
Name: ________________________________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________________________
Phone number: _________________________________________________
Presale Bundle A @ $20.00: __________ Presale Bundle B @ $45.00: __________
Total amount: _______________
Cash _______ Check # _______
You can also mail your order form with payment to: HHSPTSO, PO Box 47, Hopatcong, NJ 07843
Only cash will be accepted at the event!

2 Windsor Ave
Attn: Christine Delurski Hopatcong , NJ 07843