VFW Prayer Garden Fundraiser
Other Event Type for Taghkanic Fire Company No 1 IncJun 07, 2025 8:00 PM
Deadline: April 12, 2025
Who's Going
Fundraising Goal $13,000
Expected Attendance 500
Reach 500
Ticket Price $20
Metro Area Albany, NY
Exempt Status 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)
Nonprofit Category M - Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness & Relief
School Grades Elementary School Middle School High School
Attendee Gender Ratio 50% Male, 50% Female
Potential Item Uses A-Thon Incentive/Prize Gift Bag Raffle/Sweepstakes Silent Auction
How Donors Promoted Event Signage Event Program
Attendee Ages 0-4 Years 5-11 Years 12-17 Years 18-24 Years 25-34 Years 35-44 Years 45-54 Years 55-64 Years 65+ Years
Attendees' Children's
Ages 0-4 Years 5-11 Years 12-17 Years 18+ Years
Populations Moms Active People Foodies
We are helping to rasie funds to create a prayer garden at the VFW, which will include a white vinyl screened in gazebo with seating. At night, a light will shine as a reminder of those we have lost. The poem In Flanders Fields will be posted in an artistic way. Around the gazebo, there will be red silk poppies and blue edging, and a stone pathway leading up to it. Inside, the ceiling will feature decals of each military branch, making it a place of reflection and remembrance for veterans and their families.
We plan on rasing money a few diffrent ways. Raffels-selling tickets, bbq fundraiser with silent auction.

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Taghkanic Firehouse631 Old Route 82
West Taghkanic, NY 12502