A Wider Circle | DonationMatch

About the Nonprofit

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Nonprofit Category: B - Education
Exempt Status: 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)

The mission of A Wider Circle is to advance equity in the greater Washington, DC region by fostering the exchange of goods, skills, and connections from neighbor to neighbor, and by engaging in advocacy to address the root causes of poverty.

Everyone is welcome at A Wider Circle; there are no eligibility or referral requirements. Our “no wrong door” approach ensures that everyone who comes to us is met with compassion and served in a dignified and respectful environment. We meet each person we serve where they are — identifying challenges, providing comprehensive support, and pursuing solutions together.

This holistic approach paves the way to financial self-sufficiency, walking alongside each individual and family we serve to work toward a common goal — ending poverty.


Neighbor to Neighbor Night on October 10, 2024