Agua Viva International | DonationMatch

About the Nonprofit

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Nonprofit Category: Q - International, Foreign Affairs & National Security
Exempt Status: 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)

Agua Viva International is a 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt organization that partners with communities in developing countries to implement water purification and distribution (bottling) systems, providing health and hygiene education, and promoting gender empowerment.  We have been operating since 2011 and now have water purification systems in 5 countries in Central America and Africa.


Our systems dramatically improve health conditions by providing water purification systems to very poor, remote communities of up to 2,000 people where governments and other humanitarian water organizations do not intervene. Typically, water supplies at these locations are tainted with bacteria, parasites, and other contaminants. We form partnerships with these villages, equipping community members to install, maintain and operate the water purification systems long term. We provide on-site health and hygiene education and train local residents to continue this teaching.


Agua Viva also focuses on gender empowerment, providing women in the partner communities with micro-business water purification, bottling and distribution opportunities.  We require at least 50% female leadership in the communities that we serve.


Agua Viva is among the few charitable water organizations that encourage volunteers to join us on trips to install systems in our partner communities. There is no better way to learn about the critical need for purified water or to embrace a compassionate world view than spending time with the people we serve.


We have an aspirational goal of installing 100 purification systems. In addition to new installations, we are dedicated to maintaining our existing systems.
