About the Nonprofit
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Barrie's commitment to respect for self, each other and the environment permeates all aspects of campus life. The distinction of respect for “each other” is an important one, as it creates a vital connection between yourself and those around you; it is at the heart of the concept of community. Respect and self-respect are deeply intertwined. If we don’t respect ourselves, it is difficult to respect others, or for them to respect us in return. This value is so foundational to Barrie that all of our other values can be captured within it.
We live this value by acknowledging the dignity and worth of every individual—including ourselves—and knowing that no action or choice should compromise that. We prioritize the social, emotional, and physical well-being of ourselves and those around us. We strive to establish positive relationships based on trust and we work for just and fair treatment within our community. We support and encourage each other to develop a sense of community through responsibility, engagement, and teamwork, which strengthens not only Barrie but the communities we are a part of outside of campus.
We extend this show of respect for ourselves and each other by respecting the environment around us: both the learning environment, and the natural world.
We serve infants through Grade 12 at our sprawling campus in Montgomery County, MD.