Brave Young Hearts | DonationMatch

About the Nonprofit

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Nonprofit Category: E - Health Care
Exempt Status: 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)

Focusing on outdoor experiences, Brave Young Hearts provides Adventures to children with terminal or life-threatening diseases....for a "chance at normal"

Founded in March of 2015; to date, Brave Young Hearts has provided 41 Adventures, and more currently in queue. We also have applications that have been approved and are awaiting funding. adventures.html

Have you ever dreamed of taking a trip to somewhere really special?

You plan and dream, and dream and plan...and as the day draws near for your vacation, your excitement and anticipation makes you feel like you’re going to burst!!!’s everything you ever hoped it would be!!!

The roller coaster effect...once you start the ride, you anticipate that first really big hill...and then...You’re off in a swoosh!!!! Excitement abounds!!!!

So it is with children that are enduring the fight against terminal or life-threatening diseases!!!!!! 

Maybe, just maybe...they dream and plan and plan and dream of doing something special!!!!!! The roller coaster effect for these kiddos!!!! Thus the need to grant an adventure…..a chance at normal!!!!!!!!

We know firsthand what it is like to lose a child. Bethany asked again and again with eager anticipation when she could go hunting with her Papa Bear. She was robbed of her chance at normal! “Princess Buttercup” had NF and two brain tumors. After losing her sight, she had four strokes. Then, after a year in a vegetative state, she passed away at 4 ½ years old. Hence, Brave Young Hearts knows that just one chance at normal may be the only or the last for some children. 

Whether hunting, shooting, archery, camping, horseback riding, fishing,.….whatever a child dreams of…this is the Outdoor Adventure that Brave Young Hearts wants to provide, and you can help!!!

We believe that these lives that only are with us for a brief time are that way for a reason....usually they are packed full of lessons for us all to learn, strengths for us all to admire and the ability to impact more people in positive ways than some people possess in their entire lifetime!

Brave Young Hearts is doing our 9th Annual Side By Side Sporting Clays Shoot & Silent Auction to raise funds towards adventures for children with terminal or life-threatening diseases. events.html

Would you please consider partnering as a sponsorship or making a donation?

All donors will be thanked and their website linked on our Facebook page, our website and signage will be provided at the event.