Clearity Foundation | DonationMatch

About the Nonprofit

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Nonprofit Category: G - Diseases, Disorders & Medical Disciplines
Exempt Status: 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)

Clearity Foundation strives to improve the survival and quality of life of women with ovarian cancer. We give hope to women with ovarian cancer and their families.

Founded in 2008 by scientist and survivor Laura Shawver, Ph.D., Clearity Foundation seeks to revolutionize ovarian cancer treatment. Every year, more than 22,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Unfortunately, survival improvements are decades behind other cancers. Clearity is working to change that.

Clearity believes that all women deserve the best possible therapies for their unique disease and the best possible emotional support for their unique life challenges. To achieve this, we:

Share the latest information on treatment options.
Help women identify the most useful and comprehensive tests to better understand the molecular profile of their cancer.
Guide women to clinical trials where appropriate.
Offer professional emotional support and educational resources to women and caregivers.
Provide an online community with information and social support.
All of Clearity’s services are provided free of charge. We believe all patients should have access to the most advanced care, personalized for them, regardless of their ability to pay.


Teal Woman 2024 on September 8, 2024