College Community Career | DonationMatch

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Nonprofit Category: B - Education
Exempt Status: 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)
School Grades: High School College/University/Post-Secondary

CollegeCommunityCareer fosters a college-going culture with low-income, first-generation high school students and families to create and build equity in education. We prepare students for admission to and graduation from a four-year university based on these four pillars: College Success, Leadership Development, Civic Engagement, and Career Discovery.

We are creating the momentum to build equity in education across the Houston area for low income, first generation high schools who have a dream of attaining a college education. Our work begins during a student's high school years preparing them not only for the college application process but to successfully navigate the college campus and experience in order to successfully graduate with a bachelor's degree. We work alongside their parents to create a college going culture within their families. Classes are delivered on a high school campus as well as virtually. We begin the process in 10th grade and follow a student until they attain their bachelor’s degree.

In the 10th grade, we recruit low income, first generation, who have a 2.8/4 GPA who are on the Foundation with Endorsements graduation plan. We work on twelve high school campuses in four school districts in the Houston area. Students fill out an online application with their parents’ consent. Once admitted into the program, students attend a weekly class to begin the process of making students the best college applicant possible. Each cohort of 10th, 11th and 12th grade students attend a 1 ½ hour weekly class. In the summer, we jump into action by visiting college campuses, visiting different careers to open the possibilities for college majors for students as well as perform community service. Our goal is that a student will attend a college that fits them financially, academically, and social/emotionally. We engage parents in monthly bilingual meetings to help families become part of the student’s support team in their goal of attaining a college education. Once students enter college, the program consists of college meet ups each semester and monthly College Connect calls which take place to help students with the social, emotional trials of college life, academic resource help along with financial aid/scholarships and internship opportunities. Students are in our program for a total of seven+ years.