CYT Dallas-Fort Worth Inc | DonationMatch

About the Nonprofit

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Nonprofit Category: A - Arts, Culture & Humanities
Exempt Status: 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)

Christian Youth Theater (CYT) Dallas was formed in 2015 when a need was discovered in the Dallas-Fort Worth community for youth theater that not only focused on a high-level of artistic training, but also emphasized developing the character of young people, in a family-friendly environment.  Today, CYT’s mission is to develop character and creativity in kids ages 5-18 through quality theater arts training that brings families and communities together.  CYT offers youth a myriad of classes, camps, shows, public and private school after-school classes, and additional programing.  Instructors are professionals; qualified in teach and/or performing who emphasize our values to treat each individual with respect and significance, develop character traits including discipline, self-confidence, and integrity, bringing families together through the use of individual talents and abilities, and love one another in word and deed.  CYT is an educational nonprofit organization where everyone is welcome and served 954 students in 2023.    
