Emerald Heights Academy | DonationMatch

About the Nonprofit

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Nonprofit Category: B - Education
Exempt Status: 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)
School Grades: Elementary School Middle School

At Emerald Heights Academy our mission is the transformation of our society through the formation of Christ-centered leaders in the Catholic tradition. Emerald Heights Academy strives to develop the whole person in its students: 

Teach the Mind – By imparting appropriate knowledge
Educate the Heart – To love authentic values and a sense of what is good, true, and beautiful
Form the Will – By shaping character in virtues

Our curriculum is accelerated and designed to equip our learners with a competitive advantage academically. In addition to a rigorous academic curriculum, we place equal value on character development, spiritual formation, and apostolic life. Through these four areas of formation, Emerald Heights Academy is able to teach, educate, and form the whole person.

Our mission is reflected in our school motto, Semper Altius, which is Latin for “Always Higher.” Emerald Heights Academy encourages our students to aim high and pursue excellence in all areas of their formation – for God, for their neighbors, and for themselves.


Gala Auction on March 1, 2025