About the Nonprofit
Visit Our Website Nonprofit Category: B - Education
Exempt Status: 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)
School Grades: Elementary School
Friends of Los Alamitos Elementary (FLAE) is the partner entity to support the Los Alamitos Elementary school PTA, students and staff. We host a variety of school fundraising events throughout the school year, both big and small, that run alongside the PTA community based events. Some of the things that FLAE directly supports within our school is Makers Space, Media Center, PE, Class Field Trips, Assemblies, School Spirit, Teacher Appreciation, Interventions, Yearbook, Staff Shirts, Tiger Ambassadors (formerly student gov.), 1st Day of School Photos, Class Act and Assembly, Staff Supplies, Outdoor Equipment, Outdoor Science Camp (5th grade), Field Trip Buses, Walk-through Revolution (5th grade), One-to-one devices for students.