Tree San Diego | DonationMatch

About the Nonprofit

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Nonprofit Category: C - Environment
Exempt Status: 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)

Tree San Diego's unique purpose is to increase the urban tree canopy and create a greener, healthier environment for residents of San Diego County. We serve the community by collaborating with local governments, businesses, and residents to plant and care for trees in public spaces. Tree San Diego specifically aims to serve underserved communities by prioritizing tree planting and care initiatives in neighborhoods that have historically lacked green spaces and urban forestry resources. We work to address environmental equity issues by ensuring that all residents, regardless of socioeconomic status, have access to the health, economic, and social benefits provided by trees. Through targeted outreach and partnership programs, Tree San Diego seeks to create inclusive and thriving green environments throughout San Diego County. Tree San Diego's approach involves strategic planting, advocacy for urban forestry policies, and community engagement to ensure a sustainable and resilient urban forest that benefits the environment and enhances the quality of life for all San Diegans.