Justice for Trevor Foundation | DonationMatch

About the Nonprofit

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Nonprofit Category: P - Human Services
Exempt Status: 501(c)(3) (IRS Form 990 Filed)

The Trevor Seever Foundation was created after we lost our son Trevor Seever in 2020.  Trevor was an official for 10 years for high school football while he atteneded San Jose State University.  Trevor was a 2019 graduate and was going to be an adpative physical education teacher.  We created this foundation in honor and memory of Trevor with the hopes of helping youth in our community through sports, which was Trevors passion.  This past year we supplied Salida Eagles entire league with equipment bags.  We are building a little league field for 11 and under which will be named the Trevor Seever field.  We also host a clinic for Northern California Official Assocation and sponsor new officials to get certified through our foundation.  We hope to continue to grwo and help more youth in our community through sports.  100% of the proceeds go back to the children in our community.  We are very passionte about the good we can do in our community through the devastating loss of our precious son.  We hope we count on your help with a donation or raffle prize for our charity golf tournament so we can continue helping all we possibly can.