8th Annual Gundersen Health System Chili Cook Off and Raffle Extravaganza
Other Event Type for Gundersen Medical FoundationNov 07, 2019 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
This event is a friendly chili cook-off between 21 teams as they bring forward their favorite chili's for all to sample. Attendees pay to eat all the varieties and vote on their favorites! Teams even choose themes which they dress up to and dedorate their booths! There is also a raffle held during the event and door prizws given away throughout this festive fundraiser. All funds raised goes into a direct patient needs fund that our Medical Social Workers use throughout the year. For some families, a medical situation can create many hardships which we are able to offer assistance. Gas Cardfs, Bus tokens or cab rides are given to patients/families to offset the cost of frequent trips to our medical center. Meal Cards are provided to those who are here for an unexpected medical crisis. Medication co-pays are paid for those that are in need of financial asssistance. Rental fees for medical equipment such as toilet risers, crutches, or walkers are covered for those who are financially unable to cover these costs and would be unable to return home safely without.
1827 Simms Place
La Crosse, WI 54601