Humor Heals
Other Event Type for Amazing Angels, Inc.Sep 15, 2018 from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Amazing Angels, Inc. believes in the parents’ ability to heal and remember their child. Learning to smile and laugh again is a huge milestone for a grieving parent. This year we will be holding our third annual Humor Heals fundraising event on September 15th, 2018. Humor Heals is a standup comedy show with a live auction ran by professional comedians. We are seeking donations valued at a $100 (or more) or unique experiences.
The event will be held in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Expected attendance to this event is more than 200 attendees. This annual event has sold out the last two years, raising over $6,000 dollars each year. This event is open to the public and consist of local groups, business owners, families of tiny angels and local radio, TV etc are encourage to attend.
Amazing Angels, Inc. is a nonprofit organization located in Bowling Green, KY. Amazing Angels, Inc. provides relief for those distressed with bereavement of infant loss in our service area.

327 Greenwood Lane
Bowling Green, KY 42104