Humor Heals
Other Event Type for Amazing Angels, Inc.Sep 28, 2019 from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Amazing Angels, Inc. is a nonprofit organization located in Bowling Green, KY. Amazing Angels, Inc. provides relief for those distressed with bereavement of infant loss. The moment a parent finds out that they are expecting a child the planning and preparation begins. Its easily one of the happiest days of their lives. They debate on names, purchase cribs and are showered with incredibly thoughtful gifts to help of set the financial burden of a baby.
The moment a parent hears the words, “Your baby has died”, This quickly becomes the worst day of their lives. This is an expense that no expecting parent is emotionally or financially prepared for. Amazing Angels, Ic. is there to assist the family is making some practical arrangements and difficult decisions. These arrangements come at a cost. During this time of intense grief and shock Amazing Angels, Inc. is able to ellevate financial concerns related to burial, cemetery, cremation, urns and/or bereavement jewelry. Each families concerns and needs are different. We are able to assist families in identifying along with prioritizing these needs with individualized services.
Amazing Angels, Inc. believes in the parents’ ability to heal and remember their child. Learning to smile and laugh again is a huge milestone for a grieving parent. This year we will be holding our Fourth annual Humor Heals fundraising event on September 28, 2019. Humor Heals is a standup comedy show with a live auction ran by professional comedians. The event will be held in Bowling Green, KY. Expected attendance to this event is 200-300 people. Amazing Angels, Inc. will be advertising the event as well as sponsors/donated items via social media and local media (TV & Radio broadcast).
Amazing Angels, Inc. is run strictly by volunteers and board members. Amazing Angels, Inc. depends on the charitable donations of others to meet the needs of many. We are contacting you asking for you to support us either as a sponsor of the event or for a donation for the live auction. Thank you in advance for your time, consideration and support. For more information including our EIN Number please contact us directly at 270.779.2680.
Best Regards,
Ericka Church, Founder