Other Event Type for Amazing Angels, Inc.Oct 15, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
This is a family friendly event featuring live music, a cornhole tournament, and great local food, during which time, numerous community, civic, organizations, businesses, along with individual participants will participate in a “ROCKATHON” to raise money for Amazing Angels, Inc. Sponsors & the Top 3 fundraising Teams will be recognized & honored at the event. Other contest include team spirit contest.
Amazing Angels, Inc. compassionately lifts the financial burden from families who have experienced the loss of a baby by providing funds to assist with the necessary cost of cremation or burial services. We also offer parents bereavement support in the form of free comprehensive literature (“Love for Lincoln Library”) and peer support. Our Rockathon, raises needed funds to help us provide financial assistance, and support to bereaved families in our community.
You too can support local families. As the number of families we serve continues to grow, so does the need for support from our community. Together, we can help bereaved families honor the life of their precious baby. Your generosity & support means a great deal to families.
We are really looking forward to “rocking” with you.

8233 Nashville Rd
Bowling Green, KY 42101