GBS/CIDP Foundation of Canada | DonationMatch

About the Nonprofit

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GBS/CIDP Foundation of Canada is a non-profit registered charity that supports
patients and families afflicted with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), Chronic
Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), and their variants such as
Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN). These are rare neurological conditions which
are paralyzing and potentially catastrophic inflammatory disorders of the peripheral
nerves, which can be characterized by rapid onset of weakness and, often, paralysis
of the legs, arms, breathing muscles and face, in some cases leading to complete
paralysis and requiring life-sustaining hospital care.
The Foundation relies upon generous contributions by sponsors, individuals, and
grants to cover programming costs for support group meetings, educational
materials, patient hospital visits, conferences, and educational sessions for medical
professionals, and more. We are building awareness within our communities so
that future patients receive an earlier diagnosis leading to better patient outcomes.
We would like to request your assistance. This year we are planning our 3rd Annual
York Region Walk and Roll on September 21, 2024, to build awareness and to raise
funds for our programs. We will be holding a Silent Auction as well. Our
volunteers are visiting local businesses requesting support for the event.

How to support our local volunteers and the patients they serve:
• A donation of an item for a silent auction, as an in-kind donation. We will
provide you with an In-kind donation receipt upon request with receipt of
an invoice for the value of the donation.
• Or a monetary sponsorship donation for our upcoming York Region Walk
and Roll. You will be provided with a charitable tax receipt for your
generosity and your business will be recognized on a poster of sponsors
which will be displayed at the event.
