About the Nonprofit
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Dear Friend of Kid Connections,
Kid Connections is a preschool in Dallas serving families with children ages 12 months-5 years. Because we believe children learn, develop, and grow through play, our focus is on the child-directed play, varied hands-on experiences, and teacher-directed play. The experiences and learning during the ages between birth and 5 years old provide the building blocks for learning throughout our lives. We are raising money through a silent auction to further develop our Outdoor Classroom to help children thrive through play in our program. We are looking to partner with new and sustaining community businesses and families to make this a successful fundraiser.
Since opening our Outdoor Classroom in 2020, we have seen many benefits it has provided for our students. Playing outside encourages further development in social/emotional, sensory, and gross/fine motor skills. More time spent outside is better for a child’s overall health and this classroom provides space for this healthy development to take place. Our goal is for all things in the Outdoor Classroom to be natural and encourage further exploration and wonder in our natural environment.
We have worked hard to develop our dream for the Outdoor Classroom and look forward to seeing our plans come to life. Currently, we have wood mulch covering the ground, many natural materials, and a wood fence. We hope to add planters to the fence so students can water plants and see how they grow! We would like to put up a shade canopy to provide some relief from the Texas Sun. We also would like to add a bridge, music wall, weigh station, and an area where they can examine different types of soil and rocks. This year our goal is to raise $3,000.
Please consider showing your support by donating to our auction. You may do so using the enclosed donation/sponsorship form. Thank you for your consideration.
We kindly request your donations and forms for the auction be sent to Amber.