About the Nonprofit
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Chakota Therapeutic Riding Center (Chakota-TRC) is a community-based human service organization which provides equine-assisted therapy for children and adults with disabilities. Therapeutic Horseback Riding has been proven through extensive studies in the medical field to improve the quality of life, health and well-being for people with disabilities. Through therapeutic equine activities our Riders learn horsemanship skills which stimulate physical, mental and emotional growth. Chakota has expanded its services to offer mental health counseling, with equine interactions, to military families dealing with stressors such as deployment.
Chakota is a member of the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH) and strives to be a PATH certified center in 2016. The mental health program is based on the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA) fundamentals with the goal of having EAGALA certified staff by year's end.