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Hsiao Law

$865,555 in goods donated to charitable events since Apr, 2015


Hsiao Law, PC helps families protect their loved ones and small business owners protect their assets.

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Kids' Long-Term Guardian Nomination + Family Wealth Planning Session with Attorney Amy Hsiao

You Are a GREAT parent. But has something been left incomplete? Who Will Take Care of Your Kids if Something Happens to You? And Will They Be Cared For the Way You Want? It’s very likely that you are one of the 69% of parents who have not named legal guardians for your kids yet. Or maybe you have, but you’ve made one of the six common mistakes that almost every parent makes, even after working with a lawyer.Start protecting your children, and keep your family away from court today!  Attorney Amy Hsiao will guide you through taking charge and ensuring you have done the right thing by your family with the following discussion: Kids protection plans for your minor children to make sure your children are never taken from your home or placed with strangers if something happens to you. The importance of having contact info ready for your children  How to fix the 6 most common mistakes parents make when naming guardians. How to make sure your assets are immediately and privately available to the people you’ve named to care for your children. Why a Will alone is simply not enough to make sure your kids are taken care of the way you want, by the people you want, no matter what. You will walk away with a valid and fully executed long-term guardian nomination document in your hands.  (The standalone long-term guardian nomination is valued at $250.)  PLUS a Virtual Personal Family Wealth Planning Session (up to two hours, valued at $750) with Attorney Amy Hsiao and discover: How to Make Life as Easy as Possible For Your Family If You Are In an Accident The Wealth-Building Secret Most Families Overlook How to Keep Your Family Out of Court and Safe From Unnecessary Taxes How to Get Your Financial House in Order and Keep it That Way How You Can Have Affordable Access to Your Own Personal Family Lawyer for Life And Never Pay Hourly Fees for Legal Guidance Trusts • Estates • Business - Your Personal Family Lawyer www.HsiaoLaw.com *Please note that this certificate only includes the long-term guardian nomination form and the two-hour consultation.  It does not include the additional comprehensive documents and services in the Kids Protection Plan package (normally priced at $500).  However, you CAN get the entire Kids Protection Plan for a greatly reduced price of only $250 during our meeting.  To you and your family!  :)   Offer valid for virtual meetings only, if an in person meeting is preferred there will be a fee incurred.

Advance Healthcare Directive and Family Wealth Planning Session

Life is great.  But what if something unforeseen were to happen?  Did you know that 50% of the people over 65 suffer from Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia?  Did you know that 37% of the people under 64 need help performing basic life activities?  In this scenario...   Who will make medical decisions for you?     How can you ensure your health care wishes are followed?    Will your loved ones have the access they need to manage your financial affairs and care for you?     What happens to your house, bank accounts and cars?  Start protecting your family, and keep your family away from court today!   Attorney Amy Hsiao will guide you through taking charge and ensuring you have done the right thing by your family starting with your Advance Healthcare Directive (valued at $250):  Advance Healthcare Directive so that your family or friends can honor your healthcare wishes and give you the most respect and love you deserve.  You will never have to worry about wasting family resources and energy if you were in a coma or terminally ill situation.   How to fix the common mistakes people make when preparing their estate planning documents  How to make sure your assets are immediately and privately available to the people you’ve named Healthcare Power of Attorney so that you clearly indicate who will be making healthcare decisions so that you can live with dignity in the way you wanted for yourself.  Why a Will alone is simply not enough to make sure your family are taken care of the way you want, by the people you want, no matter what. Most importantly, you will walk away with a valid and fully executed Advance Healthcare Directive in your hands.  PLUS Virtual Personal Family Wealth Planning Session (valued at $750) with Attorney Amy Hsiao and Discover: How to Make Life as Easy as Possible For Your Family If You Are In an Accident The Wealth-Building Secret Most Families Overlook How to Keep Your Family Out of Court and Safe From Unnecessary Taxes How to Get Your Financial House in Order and Keep it That Way How You Can Have Affordable Access to Your Own Personal Family Lawyer for Life And Never Pay Hourly Fees for Legal Guidance Trusts • Estates • Business - Your Personal Family Lawyer www.HsiaoLaw.com *Please note Offer is valid for virtual meetings only, if an in person meeting is preferred there will be a fee incurred.

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